Ready. Set. Read. 📚

Welcome to the Twenty in 2020 Catholic Women's reading challenge!

This is our FIRST year running a reading challenge for Catholic Women and it's going to be a blasty-blast. What ultimately drew me into deeper relationship with God was learning about Him and others who had some wonderful insight on how to pray, read scripture, deal with bad times, etc and what better way for us ALL to grow closer to Christ than to get to know him and those who love him too. Although, with many small humans and a busy life, reading often gets put on the back burner - am I right?

In 2019 I decided make my own little challenge for myself to read more, 26 books specifically, and it lead me to a fabulous year of reading! I read more in this past year, because of this challenge, then I had (probably ever in one year) and I want to get some other ladies in on these goods.

So here we are running head first into 2020 with our first reading challenge! Below you will be able to drop your email to join the 2020 reading challenge. You'll get access to our GoodReads group, our Facebook Group, a PDF download with lots and lots of amazing book recommendations, as well as a podcast episode all about the reading challenge this year that you can listen in to!

We all want to grown and learn, it's in our nature but sometimes you need a little challenge to give you a swift kick in the butt to put down the phone and pick up some good literature, am I right?

Plus, doing a challenge like this will make you read more throughout the year. So wanna join us?!?

Accountability. Recommendations. Virtual Friendship... I'm in... are you?